• 1 John 3:17

    But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?
  • Love God. Love others.

  • 1 John 3:16

    This is how we know what love is: Christ gave his life for us. We too, then, ought to give our lives for others!
  • Love God. Love others.

  • Proverbs 22:9

    Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.
  • Love God. Love others.

  • Matthew 25:40

    "Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me."

Recent Articles

Thursday, August 27, 2015

New Photos From Nyabihu

Things are moving quickly in Nyabihu. Thank you to our supporters for your generosity. We are thankful to the Lord for His faithfulness in bringing this about.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Stories: Aime

Aime lives with his mother, a genocide survivor, and suffers from structural unequal leg length. This condition can cause chronic back and hip pain, and make mobility difficult. Aime suffers from such pain and has trouble sitting and sleeping at times.

Thanks to his generous sponsors, who went above and beyond the cost of his sponsorship fees, Aime has been fitted with a brand new pair of corrective shoes that not only increase his mobility, but aid in correcting his posture and alleviating his joint pain.

He reports that with his new shoes, he has been able to sit and to sleep with little to no pain! These shoes will last him up to two years before needing to be replaced. Please pray for Aime to receive proper diagnosis and treatment, and for his permanent healing.

Updates from Nyabihu

The past two months have been busy ones for the construction of Nyabihu Christian Academy. The foundation of the Dining Hall has been completed, including digging the foundation, filling it with stone, and compacting it.

Additionally, the second level of the foundation is complete, which involves a layer of rebar surrounded by concrete supervised by an engineer to protect against earthquakes.

A one meter-high stone wall is being built atop the foundation which will serve as the base for the block work of the walls. All of the estimated blocks for construction of the building were created on site to save on transport costs and were completed on August 5.

This week, workers began shaping the nearly 400 special smaller blocks to be used in the lintel. Block work should be complete by mid-September followed by construction of roofing supports.

Donations have also been sufficient for RCRI to purchase the land that is adjacent to the existing structures, an answer to prayer that RCRI has wished for some time. This land is the future site of additional Nyabihu Christian Academy buildings.

In 2016, Nyabihu Christian Academy will enjoy full status as an elementary school, joining only a handful of Christian schools in Rwanda.

Thanks be to God for His faithful providence.

Please pray for financial support to continue to pour in so that this building and the rest of the complex can be completed quickly, and for how you can help.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Dining Hall Progress

Larger than the other two buildings on campus, the Dining Hall of Nyabihu Christian Academy is underway. After a series of generous donations from several groups, RCRI has sufficient funding to begin construction.

A building the size of the Dining Hall requires a strong foundation and protection from earthquakes, so a large number of stones is used in conjuction with pillars, concrete, and rebar. The foundation is being constructed now and is projected to be complete by the end of July.

To avoid transport costs, the concrete blocks that will form the main structure are being formed on site. To date, 2800 blocks have been formed of a total 4500 that are required. At the current rate, all of the blocks necessary to complete the building will be ready by mid-August.

Please continue to pray for the work that the Lord is doing at Nyabihu Christian Academy and for the lives that will be impacted by the completion of this building. If you'd like to support this effort, please click here to donate.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

2015 Construction Goal

With the completion of the second building on the grounds of Nyabihu Christian Academy, it is time to turn our focus to the third building, the Dining Hall, which will also serve as a Recreational Center, an Assembly Hall, and a Chapel.

As can be seen in these photos, the design for the building is complete. It will be a beautiful addition to the campus and a gift to the children enrolled in NCA. 

We need your help in this project. At this time, we lack the funding necessary to complete the construction of this vital building. Our funding goal is $53,000 USD. Please pray not only for the satisfaction of our need, but for guidance in discovering how you can help.

If you wish to donate now, click the button below and write "Dining Hall" in the notes. To donate via check or money order, please send payment to "RCRI USA" at the address below:

PO Box 423
Due West, SC 29639

Alternatively, visit the Contact page and get in touch with us to find out other ways to give.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Second Completed Building

We are happy to announce that by the faithfulness of God, the incredible generosity of our donors, and the tireless work of the Nyabihu building crew, construction on the second building of Nyabihu Christian Academy is now complete!

Here you see the new building as it sits on the property with the first classrooms. This building has three main rooms, which will serve as classrooms for the time being. The two buildings currently on site that are now used as classrooms will, in the future, become "mission houses" where short and long-term missionaries will stay, as well as house teachers as needed. This change will be made after the completion of the main classroom block, which is not yet begun. 

Here are some proud students outside the new building!

Before Nyabihu Christian Academy is complete, RCRI plans to construct a dining hall, dormitories, and a chapel in addition to the main classroom block and the mission houses.

To learn more about Nyabihu Christian Academy, click here!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Stories: Mahoro

Jean Luc Mahoro “Mahoro”

Age: 14

Grade: P4  (4th Grade)

Birthday: Unknown. Mahoro celebrated his birthday for the first time this past July with his friends Eric and Elic.

Dreams and Future Goals: To become a big investor to earn enough money to start an NGO like RCRI

When Mahoro was born, he lived with his mother and younger sister. They were very poor, and the mother would always tell them that their father did not want them.  This life of poverty became too much and at seven years old, he left his home to live on the streets and beg and steal to survive.  During this time, Mahoro did not see his mother for 4 years. While living on the streets, he would wake up at five o'clock in the morning and go to different homes to steal whatever they left outside.  He would sell the things he had stolen at the local market to buy drugs including cigarettes, marijuana, and alcohol, anything that he could get his hands on.  
While living on the streets, he met Eric and Elic, also known as “Little Eric.” They all roamed the streets together and continued to steal in order to survive. One night Eric made sure the other boys were asleep by fanning them with a paper plate to ensure their comfort.  Once they were asleep, Eric stole all of their money (around five dollars) and ran away.  When the boys woke up the next morning and discovered what had happened, they were furious. They began to hunt Eric down until they found him that evening. Under Mahoro’s leadership, the boys severely beat Eric and put hot sauce in his eyes as punishment for stealing their money.

As the boys were punishing Eric, an RCRI employee named Eben drove past the boys and stopped.  After hearing their reasoning, Eben asked the boys how much he had stolen to pay his ransom. Although the boys told him a greater amount than the amount stolen, Eben paid them and took Eric home with him.
Mahoro and Elic did not see Eric for quite some time after this happened.  One day, they saw big Eric at the market with Eben and Haven.  They thought that Eric had traveled to the US because he looked so nice and cleaned up.  He told them how he had been staying with Eben, and the other boys asked if they could come.  Eben did not have enough room at that time, but eventually said that they could come and stay with him.  The boys were sure that there would be police at this house waiting to arrest them for roaming the streets. However, they found safe and rather boring environment.
Eric encouraged the boys to stay, but Elic and Mahoro made a plan to steal and to sell the bicycle that was at the home.  The Lord had different plans for their life and, the next day, the boys met Ben, founder of RCRI. Ben was so kind and nice to the boys, and treated them so well, that the boys decided to stay. They noticed something different about him that was so comforting.

There were other boys that lived in the house and one of them was a terrible influence. He would steal things and do things just to be mean to others. When he left the house, the boys began to change.  They began to read the bible and go to church.  Although there was much change in their lives, they were still causing trouble because of their lack of discipline. Although in a better environment, the boys had more freedom and began misbehaving. So, after being sent back to their homes for four months, Ben realized that they were finally serious about attending school and changing their lives for the better. The three boys, Mahoro, Elic, and Eric began attending a Christian boarding school called Victorious Academy thanks to their RCRI sponsors in the U.S. Since coming to this school, Mahoro has grown into a leader in the school and has matured greatly. The boys have had the opportunity to learn more, feel loved, have food in their bellies, and have a positive environment to call “home.”

To sponsor: Mahoro says that he is so grateful to have been given this opportunity.  He always thought that his opportunities for school would be bad schools in his community at best. Now he has hope for a better future.  His mother is so thankful for being reunited with her son, and he sends blessings to you and your family.