Thursday, March 12, 2015

Second Completed Building

We are happy to announce that by the faithfulness of God, the incredible generosity of our donors, and the tireless work of the Nyabihu building crew, construction on the second building of Nyabihu Christian Academy is now complete!

Here you see the new building as it sits on the property with the first classrooms. This building has three main rooms, which will serve as classrooms for the time being. The two buildings currently on site that are now used as classrooms will, in the future, become "mission houses" where short and long-term missionaries will stay, as well as house teachers as needed. This change will be made after the completion of the main classroom block, which is not yet begun. 

Here are some proud students outside the new building!

Before Nyabihu Christian Academy is complete, RCRI plans to construct a dining hall, dormitories, and a chapel in addition to the main classroom block and the mission houses.

To learn more about Nyabihu Christian Academy, click here!